Design Doc LLC

In addition to writing, presenting, and teaching, I have assisted multiple organizations and independent professionals with a variety of services and experiences. Some of these are listed below. [Learn more About Me.]



Professional development sessions focused on using technology in work and school settings. Past webinar topics and audiences include:

You can find a full list of presentations here.

Online Learning – Design and Development

Online learning options ranging from self-paced modules to multi-week, instructor-led courses.

  • Tutorials – Online continuing education resulting in CEUs
  • Training Courses – Online versions of face-to-face classes with a focus on student-student, student-instructor, and student-content interactions
  • Academic Courses – 8-, 10-, and 16-week classes offered in a traditional, cohort format online

These projects include establishing learning objectives, selecting appropriate instructional strategies and tools, and aligning activities and assessments with intended outcomes. I have also served as a Subject Matter Expert (Instructional Technology) working with other design and development teams.


Guiding organizations and individuals through a range of tasks and tools. Several examples are listed below.

  • Content Creation – Developing an editorial calendar; Exploring content types
  • Newsletters – Providing an engaging and professional publication to your email list
  • Online Teaching and Learning – Developing online learning opportunities through tools like Canvas.

Please contact me if you or your organization needs assistance!